05 January, 2010

new year!

eventho new year dh lps a few days ago,tp aq nk gak ckp sumthng bcz its still a new lifestyle of me. :))
alots of things happen last year. mama sakit till xley grak, adik tulang retak, papa sakit jantung, ive get into UiTM shah alam etc. da byk suke duke ive been thru ol this year.suke nye skit je tp duke nye, makaih~ pnt sgt. pnh rse nk quit. pnh rse nk mati. n mcm2 thnks 4 ol my fren yg support me ol tis time. rely appreciate it. eventho korg jao dr aq bt u still be beside me when i nid it. thnks guys :)) n at the end of this year is the happiest endding for 2009. ive got the gud result(keningkening), mama recovered, adk also, papa da start join bowling wit his fren, alg da dpt bf bru, piya's bday party [it was kewl :))] and im having fun during semester break 2 gether wit my uncle n cousins running my uncle's wedding planner. huhu~ n da most happiest thing ever, i've a great holiday with my mr.baihaqi (eventho xdpt g Australia.damn!)

on da 1st jan, im packing my back and go back to shah alam.malasnye~ bt i still nid to go. im staying in the new house (renting at sec7) with the new housemate (ita,fara,dila,azie,sammy) but still da same rummate(su)duh~:)) first da at home juz doing nothing cme g bintang n bli2 brg skit.on da 2nd jan, we woke up early juz wanted to go to Nasi Lemak Cinta Sayang for breakfast and straight away go to Jusco Bukit Raja at 10am :)) mmg gile. then after shopping for a few hours, fara,su,sammy and me buy a muvee tickets! 'Did U Hear About The Morgan?' is the title of the muvee. sweet cgt. but quite boring at the first place bt i has a gud ending. :) then going back home n start to tidy up things. on da 3rd jan, we woke up in da morning n start cleaning the front hall n kitchen. omg! pnt xingt the nite we go to bintang n shop 4 brg dpur. on da 4th jan, da start class! :(( pg2 da kluar together w ain n g faculty. try to crik timetble tp xde. so kteorg klua n g pick up my new cemin mate at PAS.then, ain request sumthng yg plik. dy nk g mid valley nk crik sluar. bt we are wearing BJU KURUNG! haha~ klaka sgt cz cm org kje krajaan.huhu~ afta pnt jln til 6 o'clock, kteorg g tgk muvee. cite "Mualaf'. starting quite impressed bt the ending a bit confused. tp best. on da 5th jan, jus doing nothing. juz attending classes.tats ol. quite a long paragraph to read isnt it??:) hope u'll enjoy reading it:p adios~ lovelovelove

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